
The 十大网赌靠谱网址平台 奖 选择 Committee (ASC) is calling for nominations for the faculty awards listed below. If you are interested in nominating someone that meets the eligibility criteria for one of the awards, 请填写以下提名表格. 所有提交的表格将通过电子邮件发送到Kathryn Pitts. 然后将提名转交总务委员会审查.



The 教务创新教学奖 recognizes a campus group or individual faculty or staff member who enhanced the learning experiences of students through exceptional implementation of innovative instructional methods (such as new approaches to developmental education, 国外嵌入式学习的创新实践, 等.).


  • Has/have been employed at PSU-LV for at least two consecutive years (eligible after the second full year of employment).
  • 在过去三年中是否获得过这个奖项.

  • 接收方将收到一个适合帧的证书.


  • The PSU-LV 奖 选择 Committee (ASC) shall call for nominations by Friday, 4月5日, 2024.
  • Any employee or student of PSU-LV campus may nominate a faculty member/group meeting the above eligibility criteria by using the nomination form.
  • 提名表格(如下)将于2月至3月在PSU-LV网站上提供. 学生和员工将通过电子邮件通知奖项提名过程.
  • 教职员工可能会把学生的注意力吸引到奖项上, 他们不得向学生分发提名表格.
  • 提名应在2024年4月5日(星期五)之前提交给校长办公室.


  • The Chancellor shall determine the eligibility of the nominees and forward all eligible nominations, 连同提名表格一并递交, 在周五之前提交给奖项评选委员会, 4月5日, 2024.
  • The ASC shall contact candidates to obtain their consent and request the following materials:
  • 一份个人陈述,解释展示创新的课程或项目.
  • 当前简历.
  • Nominated faculty must provide the requested materials and permissions to the ASC within 14 days after being notified by the ASC committee of the nomination.
  • The ASC will select two finalists for the award and forward these names to the Director of 学术事务 who will decide on the winner.




The purpose of the 十大网赌靠谱网址平台 (PSU-LV) campus is to recognize and encourage excellence in outreach, 服务, 以及利哈伊谷校区教师的建议.


  • Has been employed at PSU-LV for at least two consecutive years (eligible after the second full year of employment).
  • 在过去三年内未获此奖项.

  • The recipient will receive a certificate suitable for framing and additional travel funding in the amount of five hundred dollars ($500.00)为即将到来的学年.
  • The recipient's name shall be added to the roster on a plaque of recipients displayed at the campus.


  • The PSU-LV 奖 选择 Committee (ASC) shall call for nominations by Friday, 4月5日, 2024.
  • Any employee or student of PSU-LV campus may nominate a faculty member meeting the above eligibility criteria by using the nomination form.
  • 提名表格(如下)将于2月至3月在PSU-LV网站上提供. 学生和员工将通过电子邮件通知奖项提名过程.
  • 学生和员工将通过电子邮件通知奖项提名过程.
  • 教职员工可能会把学生的注意力吸引到奖项上, 他们不得向学生分发提名表格.
  • 提名应在2024年4月5日(星期五)之前提交给校长办公室.


  • The Chancellor shall determine the eligibility of the nominees and forward all eligible nominations, 连同提名表格一并递交, 在周五之前提交给奖项评选委员会, 4月5日, 2024. 总务委员会应审查所有提名, 然后联系候选人,征得他们的同意,索取以下材料:
  • A personal statement explaining the outreach/服务/advising and their significance in layperson's terms.
  • 当前简历.
  • 推广、服务和建议的出版物样本或其他文件.
  • 候选人外展/服务/建议的有效性证明, 比如支持外展质量的信件, 服务, or advising of the nominee from beneficiaries or outside contributors to the project or related projects.
  • Nominated faculty must provide requested materials and permissions to the ASC within 14 days after being notified by the ASC committee of the nomination.




  • The purpose of the 十大网赌靠谱网址平台 (PSU-LV) campus is to recognize and encourage excellence in academic research, 创造性活动, 奖学金, 以及PSU-LV教师对主题的掌握. 将提供两个奖项, 1位资深十大网赌靠谱网址平台, 另一个是新兴/早期职业十大网赌靠谱网址平台. 这些奖项对所有教职员工开放,包括终身教职员工和教职员工.


  • Has been employed at PSU-LV for at least two consecutive years (eligible after the second full year of employment).
  • 在过去三年内未获此奖项.

  • The recipients will receive a certificate suitable for framing and additional travel funding in the amount of five hundred dollars ($500.00)为即将到来的学年.
  • 一本书应该以他或她的名义放在图书馆里.
  • The recipients' names shall be added to the roster on a plaque of recipients displayed at the campus.


  • The PSU-LV 奖 选择 Committee (ASC) shall call for nominations by Friday, 4月5日, 2024.
  • Any employee or student of PSU-LV campus may nominate a faculty member meeting the above eligibility criteria by using the nomination form.
  • 提名表格(如下)将于2月至3月在PSU-LV网站上提供. 学生和员工将通过电子邮件通知奖项提名过程.
  • 学生和员工将通过电子邮件通知奖项提名过程.
  • 教职员工可能会把学生的注意力吸引到奖项上, 他们不得向学生分发提名表格.
  • 提名应在2024年4月5日(星期五)之前提交给校长办公室.


  • The Chancellor shall determine the eligibility of the nominees and forward all eligible nominations, 连同提名表格一并递交, 在周五之前提交给奖项评选委员会, 4月5日, 2024.
  • 总务委员会应审查所有提名, then contact candidates to obtain their consent and request the following materials (and permission to review them):
  • A personal statement explaining the research/奖学金 and significance in layperson's terms.
  • 当前简历.
  • Sample publications/documentation of creative accomplishment (as disciplinarily appropriate).
  • Evidence of candidate’s scholarly reach (citations, letters of speaking invitations, articles, 等.) Nominated faculty must provide requested materials and permissions to the ASC within 14 days after being notified by the ASC committee of the nomination.
  • 如果有必要,委员会保留将奖项颁发给两人的权利.




The purpose of the 十大网赌靠谱网址平台 (PSU-LV) campus Teaching Excellence 奖 is to recognize and encourage teaching excellence at Lehigh Valley campus.


The 奖 选择 Committee encourages nominations for any and all teaching faculty at PSU-LV. The chancellor and committee will then determine the eligibility of the candidate according to the following rules (which are presented for the record, 不是要阻止任何提名):


  • 教师 member on tenure track or full time status and must have been employed at PSU-LV for at least two consecutive years (eligible after the second full year of employment).
  • 在过去三年内未获此奖项.


  • 这个人必须是兼职教员, have been employed at PSU-LV for at least two consecutive years (eligible after the second full year of employment).
  • 该奖项的获得者在接下来的三年内将没有资格.

  • The recipient will receive a certificate suitable for framing and additional travel funding in the amount of five hundred dollars ($500.全职教员获奖者将获得250美元(250美元).00)为下一学年的兼职教师获奖者.
  • 一本书应该以他或她的名义放在图书馆里.
  • The recipient's name shall be added to the roster on a plaque of recipients displayed at the campus.


  • The PSU-LV 奖 选择 Committee (ASC) shall call for nominations by Friday, 4月5日, 2024.
  • Any employee or student of PSU-LV campus may nominate a faculty member meeting the above eligibility criteria by using the nomination form.
  • 提名表格(如下)将于2月至3月在PSU-LV网站上提供. 学生和员工将通过电子邮件通知奖项提名过程.
  • 学生和员工将通过电子邮件通知奖项提名过程.
  • 教职员工可能会把学生的注意力吸引到奖项上, 他们不得向学生分发提名表格.
  • 提名应在2024年4月5日(星期五)之前提交给校长办公室.


  • The Chancellor shall determine the eligibility of the nominees and forward all eligible nominations, 连同提名表格一并递交, 在周五之前提交给奖项评选委员会, 4月5日, 2024.
  • 总务委员会应审查所有提名, 然后联系候选人,征得他们的同意,索取以下材料:
  • 过去两年的srte.
  • 目前的简历,包括在PSU-LV教授的所有课程.
  • A one-page statement on teaching responding to this prompt: “Please provide a one-page statement on your teaching. (下面的问题是为了提供一个起点,而不是一个束缚.你为什么教书? 你的教学理念是什么? 你的教学中有哪些核心的教学实践? 作为老师,你最成功的时刻是什么?”
  • Nominated faculty must provide the requested materials and permissions to the ASC within 14 days after being notified by the ASC committee of the nomination.
  • The committee reserves the right to visit a class in person or on online or to request video from the candidate of a class in session.


