
Diverse collections give 十大网赌靠谱网址平台 the nickname of 'The 艺术 Campus'
A Greek Horse Portrait inside our 十大网赌靠谱网址平台 Campus Library

《十大网赌靠谱网址平台》,艺术家弗朗索瓦丝·吉洛(Francoise Gilot)的版画, has been part of 十大网赌靠谱网址平台's collection since the mid-1980s.


宾州中央谷. — Displayed amid the books and other resource materials in the library at 十大网赌靠谱网址平台 is 《十大网赌靠谱网址平台》,艺术家弗朗索瓦丝·吉洛(Francoise Gilot)的版画. The print has been part of PSU-LV’s collection since the mid-1980s. Gilot, 谁最近去世了,享年101岁, 是一位颇有成就的画家, although better known as the mistress of renowned artist Pablo Picasso.  

《十大网赌靠谱网址平台》” is one of five Gilot prints donated to PSU-LV by philanthropists Philip and Muriel Berman, 赫斯百货公司的前老板. 除了吉洛的作品, the Bermans donated paintings by Picasso and Jean Cocteau, 以及萨尔瓦多·达利的版画.

These pieces are not the only works adorning the walls and shelves across campus. 安·拉里克,艺术协调员和罗纳德·K. PSU-LV的德隆画廊, 估计校园里有近200件艺术品, 也因此获得了“艺术校园”的美称.”

“当其他学校的访客来到这里时, people are kind of amazed at all the art we have displayed,拉里克说. “我认为这很有趣. I love that we have art in our hallways, and we were able to find homes for some large pieces. We even started a lending program where people can ‘borrow’ art for their offices.”

在2009年Lalik被雇佣之前, PSU-LV had no art coordinator; Judy Mishriki, 当时的图书管理员, 监督艺术品收购. Lalik回忆, “当我来到校园, Judy handed the files over to me and I started keeping track of the collection. Some patrons who live in the area know me and saw this campus as a good home for pieces they no longer had room for, 于是他们开始发问, “我们能捐赠艺术品吗??’”

艺术work of various sizes and styles has been donated by area philanthropists, 宾州州立大学校友, 还有校园里的朋友们. Lehigh Valley attorney and Penn State alum Martin Cohen has been another notable donor over the years.

“He wanted to benefit Penn State and is an avid art collector," said Lalik. "Back in 2009 when I came to campus, he started donating some significant pieces. He owns a lot of large works and was willing to donate them rather than sell them.”

She mentioned a large piece by John Clem Clark on the second floor as one of Cohen’s most valuable contributions, as well as a collection of works by Easton artist Paul Harryn.

2009年,学校从福格尔斯维尔搬到这里, there was a nice collection of art the previous school had left behind, 所以我们继承了这个,拉里克说. “While identifying it, we found some pretty interesting and prominent artists in there as well.”

罗纳德·K. 德龙, 校园画廊以其名字命名的捐赠者, 多年来也贡献了几部作品, Michael Krajsa也是, 退休的PSU-LV教员和主要捐赠者, who most recently gave the campus artifacts he collected on his travels to Peru.

The campus’ art collection fosters engagement in that it aligns with PSU-LV’s commitment to diversity, 股本, 和包容(DEI). 艺术 is one way to start conversations, share experiences and find commonalities, said Lalik. Students have been encouraged to make their own contributions to the campus collection over the years.

“我们买了一幅艺术家巴特·库珀(Bart Cooper)的作品. We encouraged students who were interested in his work to choose the print that we ended up purchasing,拉里克说. “When artist Linda Stein offered to donate two of her prints to our collection, we also asked the students to vote on the one they favored, 我们选出了得票最多的两个.”

Through art we can celebrate diversity on the campus by presenting a variety of cultures and artistic styles. When you see yourself in a work of art or learn about others through art, you feel more connected. We’ve made a conscious effort to acquire art that shows we value all people.

—Ann Lalik , arts coordinator and director of the 罗纳德·K. 十大网赌靠谱网址平台的德隆画廊

As arts coordinator, it falls to Lalik to care for and maintain the campus’ collection. One of her goals this year is to work with a student intern on converting her database of artwork to a website so even more folks can learn about PSU-LV’s collection. 拉里克说,艺术是展示PSU-LV使命的一种方式.

“Through art we can celebrate diversity on the campus by presenting a variety of cultures and artistic styles. When you see yourself in a work of art or learn about others through art, you feel more connected. We’ve made a conscious effort to acquire art that shows we value all people. This is something the PSU-LV’s leadership has been intentional about, 以及支持DEI态度的杠杆作用,”她说。.

“每个人都有不同的审美偏好, 我们每个人的反应都是独一无二的, so the fact that we have a collection that includes a variety of styles such as realism, 抽象, 还有波普艺术以及文化多样性的表达, 它帮助我们以不同的方式联系,拉里克补充道. “我认为这使这个校园成为一个非常特别的地方.”
